Certified Entry- Level Python Programmer (PCEP™)

PCEP™ – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification shows that the individual is familiar with universal computer programming concepts like data types, containers, functions, conditions, loops, as well as Python programming language syntax, semantics, and the runtime environment.
PCEP™ – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification (Exam PCEP-30-0x) is a professional credential that measures the candidate’s ability to accomplish coding tasks related to the essentials of programming in the Python language. A test candidate should demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the universal concepts of computer programming, the syntax and semantics of the Python language, as well as the skills in resolving typical implementation challenges with the help of the Python Standard Library.
The PCEP™ certification shows that the individual is familiar with the following concepts: fundamental terms and definitions (e.g. compilation vs. interpretation), Python’s logic and structure (e.g. keywords, instructions, indentation), literals, variables, and numeral systems, operators and data types, I/O operations, control flow mechanisms (conditional blocks and loops), data collections (lists, tuples, dictionaries, strings), functions (decomposition, built-in and user-defined functions, organizing interaction between functions and their environment, generators, recursion), exceptions (exception handling, hierarchies), as well as the essentials of Python programming language syntax, semantics, and the runtime environment.
Target Audience
Python Institute
Programme Opportunities
Contact Person: 018-9195452(Zana) , 013-9269921(Azlin)
Learning Method: Face to face
Python Institute
Section 1: Computer Programming and Python Fundamental
1.1 – Understand fundamental terms and definitions
1.2 – Understand Python’s logic and structure
1.3 – Introduce literals and variables into code and use different numeral systems
1.4 – Choose operators and data types adequate to the problem
1.5 – Perform Input/Output console operations
Section 2: Control Flow – Conditional Blocks and Loops
2.1 – Make decisions and branch the flow with the if instruction
2.2 – Perform different types of iterations
Section 3: Data Collections – Tuples, Dictionaries, Lists, and String
3.1 – Collect and process data using lists
3.2 – Collect and process data using tuples
3.3 – Collect and process data using dictionaries
3.4 – Operate with strings
Section 4: Functions and Exceptions
4.1 – Decompose the code using functions
4.2 – Organize interaction between the function and its environment
4.3 – Python Built-In Exceptions Hierarchy
4.4 – Basics of Python Exception Handling
Contact Person: 018-9195452(Zana) , 013-9269921(Azlin)
Learning Method: Face to face
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Course Categories
- Graduates (8)
- Micro-Credential (61)
- School Leavers (7)