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Budaya Kerja Cemerlang

Excellent Work Culture / Budaya Kerja Cemerlang

About This Course

The challenges faced by most organizations lately have affected the thinking, attitudes and work culture of the staff. If left unchecked, it will cripple competitiveness and affect productivity and organizational strategy. This programme is designed to further strengthen the human capital of each employee and help them build an excellent work culture.

Learning Objectives:

  • Provide awareness of organizational behavior
  • Able to see your own weaknesses and strength
  • Learning attitude formation strategies
  • Creating a short and long-term plan for change
  • Strengthening self-motivation to be excellent.

Target Audience

Suitable to all levels of staff from management to support staff in the administrative division. 


2 days @ 8 hours per day


Pahang Skills Development Centre

Contact Person

Suzila Saad – 017 989 9467
Siti Nurul Aishah Mohd Yasin – 013-724 5621
Ajmal Ghassani Kamarzaman – 011 6125 1402


Programme Name
Excellent Work Culture / Budaya Kerja Cemerlang
Target Audience
Suitable to all levels of staff from management to support staff in the administrative division. 
Programme Duration
2 days @ 8 hours per day
Programme Certification

Pahang Skills Development Centre

Programme Opportunities
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